تقنية المعلومات
تقنية المعلومات، حسب تعريف (مجموعة تقنية المعلومات الأمريكية) ITAA، هي "دراسة، تصميم، تطوير، تفعيل، دعم أو تسيير أنظمة المعلومات التي تعتمد على الحواسيب، بشكل خاص تطبيقات وعتاد الحاسوب"، تهتم تقنية المعلومات باستخدام الحواسيب والتطبيقات البرمجية لتحويل، تخزين، حماية، معالجة، إرسال، والاسترجاع الآمن للمعلومات.
تقنية المعلومات اختصارا (IT)[1] اختصاص واسع يهتم بالتقنية ونواحيها المتعلقة بمعالجة وإدارة المعلومات، خاصة في المنظمات الكبيرة.
بشكل خاص،
تقنية المعلومات يتعامل مع الحواسب الإلكترونية وبرمجيات الحاسوب لتحويل وتخزين وحماية ومعالجة المعلومات وأيضا نقل واستعادة المعلومات.لهذا السبب، يدعى غالبا اخصائيو الحواسيب والحوسبة بإخصائية تقنية المعلومات. القسم الذي يهتم بتقنيات التشبيك والبرمجيات في شركة معينة يدعى قسم تقنية المعلومات. من الأسماء التي تطلق هذا القسم أيضا. أسماء مثل : قسم خدمات المعلومات (IS) أو نظم المعلومات الإدارية (MIS), مزود الخدمة المنظمة managed service provider أو (MSP).
قسم تقنية المعلومات
بكلية العلوم التطبيقيه - صلاله
يوجد بكلية العلوم التطبيقيه 6 لابات ..
2 معمل حاسوب للسمعيات والبصريات
2 معمل lab
...................... وغيره من المعامل .
معمل الحاسوب - المكتبه
توفير الكتب اللازمه للطبه ..
والاماكن المخصصه للقراءه.
قامت وزارة التعليم العالي مشكورة في الفصل الثاني بإعتماد نظام إدارة التعليم الالكتروني المتطور "بلاك بورد" (Blackboard اللكليات العلوم التطبيقية وهذا الموقع يقوم فيه الطلاب التواصل مع بعضهم وتخزين ملاحظتهم الخاصة والتواصل مع المعلمين و تسجيل المواد و هناك بعض الخدمات الأخرى الرائعة ووعدت الكلية أن هذا الموقع سيكون مفتوحا داخل وخارج الكلية ولكن يبدو أن الموقع لم يكتمل لأنه لا يفتح الا في الكلية.
والموقع هو اضغط للدخول
والموقع هو اضغط للدخول
شرح بالصور طريقة استخدام البلاك بورد
_______________________________________________________________________________Information Technology Department
The Mission of the Faculty
The faculty's mission is to provide the best possible educational experience for the widest possible range of students in Oman.
It aims at responding actively to the needs of local and national communities. It offers a high quality learning environment and flexible education media for all learners. The ultimate goal is to provide high quality graduates with essential skills to participate in developing the country from all aspects.
It aims at responding actively to the needs of local and national communities. It offers a high quality learning environment and flexible education media for all learners. The ultimate goal is to provide high quality graduates with essential skills to participate in developing the country from all aspects.
The Vision of the Faculty
As computers have become a part of everyday life, the demand for professionals in computer science has increased phenomenally. The faculty’s programs are structured to teach students theoretical and practical principles of the design and development of information and computer systems. Students also learn to analyze and build systems and applications of software. Programs also prepare students to be able to undertake graduate level studies in any field of information technology. Although the faculty’s main objective is teaching, the programs encourage faculty members to be engaged in research projects. Moreover, they contribute to the continuous learning of the society by offering different courses and training programs.
The faculty aims at:
- Preparing scientifically qualified human resources who are capable of contributing to the development and production process in Oman.
- Contributing to the advancement and effective development of the society by providing it with knowledgeable and skillful cadres.
- Keeping students up-to-date with the latest technology, technical tools, and recent developments.
Extra-Curricular Activities
Through the Club of Computer Friends, Scientific Society, and other Faculty committees, the faculty encourages the following activities:
- Developing artistic talents, cultural, social, sport activities, and enhancing human and college relationships between students, academic staff, and college personnel.
- Holding lectures and seminars, and organizing books exhibitions as well as new technology shows in the faculty and college.
- Organizing sport matches, artistic activities internally and/or in collaboration with other faculties.
The Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) degree General description:
The Bachelor of Information Technology (BIT) degree is a 4 year 128 credit hour program taught in English, designed to produce graduates who are competent in their major disciplines, as well as IT in general: graduates who are ready to be involved in the development of Omani industry. As the name "Colleges of Applied Sciences" suggests, our students are exposed to significant practical work and, where possible, linkages with Omani industry are being developed and exploited.
The BIT program contains a core of main stream IT courses which have exposed our graduates to the concepts and topics about which all who work in the IT field should be familiar. Typically: web design and development; software design and implementation; information systems analysis and design; operating systems; networks; database; IT security; professional ethics; and such analytical courses as discrete mathematics and data structures. IT is a fast moving field however, and so space has been left in the program which can be filled with the innovations of the time: ensuring our graduates are aware of the latest IT trends.
The three majors of the BIT are presently Software Development, IT Security, and Networks: a fourth major, Data Management, is just being introduced. The majors permit our students to explore their chosen field in greater depth with the addition of highly focused and specialised courses, as well as electives which are also slanted towards their majors.
Graduates of the BIT will be intellectually developed; have advanced knowledge and practical abilities in a range of IT fields; be able to work in a team or unsupervised; will have advanced problem solving skills; will pursue lifelong learning; and will have multidisciplinary and multicultural perspectives. They can expect to find employment in small businesses and large organisations alike, as well as the opportunity to pursue further study overseas.
Preview of BIT majors:
The majors of the BIT convert our students from those with general IT knowledge and skills, into graduates with in-depth understanding and practical abilities in their chosen field. The students develop greater independence of thought and action through project work, and are exposed to state-of-the-art equipment, concepts, and terminology.
The software development major pushes the students understanding of abstract concepts through advanced data structures and the latest software innovations. Graduates of this major will be experienced in both procedural as well as object oriented languages, and a full year project is undertaken in conjunction with a course on software project management. Electives such as concurrent programming, computer graphics and artificial intelligence challenge the students further whilst adding an extra layer of interest and motivation.
The computer networks major offers grounding in current technology in use in Oman as well as the latest innovations across the world. Network technology, network management, internetworking, and wireless networking are all very relevant to the expansion of Oman today: combined with the concepts of network security make graduates of this major very useful to industry.
The IT security major prepares students to understand and combat threats to security in a rapidly changing world. More than any other major, it is important to keep up with the market evolution and to keep abreast of concepts and implementation techniques.
تخصص(تقنية المعلومات)
في كل من كلية:
1. عبري
2. صور
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